We make Court of Protection applications to manage vulnerable adult concerns.

This might be – looking after their finances, challenging abuse allegations, misuse of a vulnerable adults property, concerns over health and welfare decisions, where a vulnerable adult should live, the appointed deputy or attorney is not suitable and should be removed, the lasting power of attorney is not being used properly, there are concerns about the vulnerable adult’s mental capacity.

Vulnerable adult disputes arise in many forms – 

  • Money owed to or from someone else
  • Damage someone causes
  • Someone’s negligence or inaction when they should have done something
  • Where someone is careless or reckless
  • Someone’s irresponsible behaviour or actions
  • Breaches or disregards of contract terms
  • Failure to provide services or they’re not performed appropriately
  • When something is ordered and it’s not fit for purpose
  • Abuse or an unfair advantage is taken of a vulnerable adult
  • Following an assessment the care or services are not provided or they’re unsuitable
  • Probate disputes and estate problems

Linley James solicitors will assist you with resolving these issues.


We will advise you on:

  • Investigating or identifiying relevant issues of contention.
  • Examining the strengths and weaknesses of disputes.
  • Exploring how these could be resolved.
  • Effecting resolution.

Why instruct us

One of our solicitors writes the legal textbooks other solicitors read. If you’re looking for an expert on managing vulnerable adults call us on 0207 060 1210 to book an appointment.