If someone lacks mental capacity they are not able to make a lasting power of attorney. What you can do for them, to safeguard and protect them is to make a deputy ship application to the Court of Protection. This allows you, as the appointed deputy to make decisions on behalf of someone lacking capacity. To make a deputyship application is a legal process requiring expert knowledge. Linley James has experts who are themselves appointed as deputys and understand the pros and cons of making a deputy application and being a deputy.
What is a Deputyship
How do I make a Deputyship Application
Making a Health and Welfare Deputyship
The following areas I connected with Deputyships
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
Challenging Attorneys and Deputys
Revoking a Power of Attorney or Deputy
We have a dedicated team of specialists to help you make your Deputyship application.
Call us now on 0207 060 1210 to make a Deputyship application